Monday, September 23, 2013

Bio-Rhythm Disruption Frequency Identifier for We Intentions

It appears let me reveal many identifiers for Bio-Metrics to identify people. In this new ages of International Terrorism with bad guys in the hunt for Pilot's Licenses, HazMat Directors Licenses, get onto insurers, step onto buses and its sneak over our borders received a fool proof client base. Currently we use stain to identify criminals and those that hold important positions. Certainly newest forms of security include retina scans, point out that prints, palms, DNA, Implanted RFID Chips, etc. Surely has devices, which can see-through trucks, pick up the scent of bio-weapons who use heat to pick-up above market human trafficking inside car or a truck. We need sensors and get human intent. Lying devices contact us when someone is exuding less facial sweat glands, but what about a person who is not close to the device? Inside a an automobile, in a crowd you approaching a sensitive payment point. Advanced warning may well be the difference between life or death.

For security their own military positions we maximize radars, sonar, heat signatures to distinguish people. Body heat in conjunction with night vision is extremely hard to fool as helicopter mounted devices may still through fences to catch escaping criminals. Special Forces just use such devices to detect and eliminate threats. Research now could be being done to smell aromas of people by odor, the Vietnamese often could detect Americans his or her sweat glands exuded an exclusive scent which gave the offending articles. Most of the flourishing LRRPs were careful to consume the native foods to not ever give themselves away.

http: //www. lcompanyranger. com/

The human plume of odor works very well detectable and we are figuring out purposes of this to identify fighting human threat.

One way which is not talked about enough 's the electromagnetic signatures given aside by people. Every human body has few biorhythms. The nerves depend on electrical signaling, the pulse and pulse are also very a lot of and unique to contributors. Even the brain waves are detectable utilising the waves, which are delivered. The skull acts for being an antenna and with skeptical fine-tuning and calibration let us detect these waves. The truth that animals can sense all of these as human approach these folks. We are now that will build devices, which can detect minute changes in brain waves from very far. Such detection could allow us identify someone in viewers with evil thoughts and a sense of call to action avert a flare up who were violence. Guards could be recommended that intruders are approaching and now have high heart rates and therefore negative intentions. This running an good for Border Basic safety or perimeter control a new fighting in Fallujah, while entering a living room where an ambush would need to occur. They say once seasoned veterans of war circumstance of the soldier of fortune mindset complete a sixth sense about great for the. Do they? Or would be the in tune to tiniest anomalies in approaching concentration waves? Well? There are enough off the internet war stories that there needs to be more to this.

The brain waves of humans are employed at frequencies of 20 Hz by using an agitated and hyper state of potential combat. Time approaching a facility could be very at such a state with the bio-systems and bio-rhythms will give them away. For instance during the 9-11 incident within the parking structure quite likely the very International Terrorists was therefore , hyper sensitive and stressed he still cussed out and yelled at someone in a very parking lot who was about taking parking spot he longed. It is quite evident that that stress on the bio-system probably chose himself and the team right the way through the airport, onto the plane, in the flight and right into the World Trade Towers. If someone had such a tones, hyper bio-rhythms, they will be flagged to be sustained scrutinized, perhaps there is a second explanation? Perhaps there is not? Such a system can be stopped the 9-11 online hackers?

Could Bus Stops have such sensors on their design to alert the driver to bypass the pause and not pick up the passengers on this one around? In Israel unquestionably a good idea which will help prevent radical suicide attacks. Inside the it might prevent trouble for our buses as anyway. In the case using a roadside check point your auto might be flagged as it approached the crossing point to a separate and more safe area for a for more look with a greater degree of caution? Could such devices elimination at our Mexican and Canadian Borders came with? Surely it could.

We believe further research writing on the various stressful displacement in overabundant bio-rhythms of criminals, International Terrorists, Drug Runners, Coyotes, Smugglers, insurgents and attackers could possibly reduced significantly using not unlike methodology.

The device would track energy waves at a device downtown or hallway of an airport. Any waves near a young spectrums of bio-rhythms of the male body's bio-system would be recorded and their amount of disruption within traveling wave. Waves since the personal cell phones, computer PDAs, Heart Pace Pushes, car stereos, automobile radar detectors, spark plug resonance, friction sound waves from squeaky brakes couldn't survive anywhere near the bio-rhythm waves and that can be deleted from the signature within approaching car or airplane patron approaching the titanium detector machine.

I propose a study of 1000 people various ethnic persuasions to ensure that you to put these subjects through various stressful scenarios and record their biorhythm disruptions for beam of energy. In today's study we will also guide disruptions of various light-weight devices such as MUSIC Players, Sony Walkmans, shower radios, pace makers, etc. to see if we can accurately ascertain the emotional displacement of the individual human at the bridging point through large website of possible combinations all over the realms of potential non-threatening biorhythms. Eventually we will prove you can easily preempt an attack and pull out on the whole potential culprits in advance of a horrific event.


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